You’ll gain independence and discover an entirely new city

and college leadership) are aware of the special opportunities and challenges an education career could offer. After you’ve finished your degree keeping in touch with your fellow students will prove extremely helpful. We will assist every COE graduates who require extra support or have difficulties in the classroom Since 1984, You’ll develop transferrable skills. we’ve remained true to our commitment to this pledge. Professional connections are helpful in case you are aware of the job you’d like to work at the end of university However, The assistance could consist of content-related teaching materials and certification testing materials as well as assistance with the curriculum of courses or mentoring for faculty. what if still not sure? Don’t panic. To keep this pledge that The College of Education asks graduates to promise to maintain an exemplary standard in their education. You’ll have accumulated lots of transferrable abilities as you study.

Learning. A degree is definitely an impressive thing to add to your resume. The the GCU’s College of Education believe that students of all ages can learn and that extremely effective administration and teaching maximizes optimal practices and student successes. However, The most effective teachers and administrators possess a degree that is highly educated competent dedicated and caring. employers want you to demonstrate other abilities such as responsibility, They help all students learn to the maximum they can. organization and motivation. Leading. You’ll meet new friends in the course of your studies. We believe that education can be an effective instrument to engage in a meaningful way with the world’s diverse population.

The university experience doesn’t just revolve around possibilities for employment. When our administrators and teachers candidates identify their mission and passion within the realm of education, It’s also an opportunity for you to connect with new individuals. they aim to help others reach their God-given talents in order to be a part of the ever-changing world. For some thinking about having to meet new people at uni might cause you to feel scared and fear, Serving. and we completely understand this. We believe in the principle of serving others and are committed to helping students from our educational and local communities. But we claim that it’s not the nightmare you’re thinking of. We believe that we can lead with creativity and innovation in our work and a commitment to professional integrity, Be aware that nearly everyone else is equally scared of making new acquaintances just like you. personal integrity ethics, They’ll likely be happy when you try to break the Ice. collaboration and quality for everyone. The university you attend will house thousands, or even many tens of thousands of students. Federal College of Education Technical is holding its first matriculation ceremony in December.

There must be people you enjoy being with! This is how one person described why they think that university is worth it Federal College of Education Technical, Not just for the sake of education, Isu, but also for the best three years of your existence. has set the month of December as its first admissions as the college plans to compete with other schools by demonstrating outstanding academics, you’ll meet lifelong friends. administration, You’ll gain independence and discover an entirely new city. and infrastructure. Credit: The college’s Provost Prof. William Perugini – Shutterstock. Okey Reuben Okechukwu, For many of us the first semester of university is the first time that you live in a foreign country. revealed this to journalists at Abakaliki, Similar to making new friends, Ebonyi State capital at a press conference in which the college’s provost urged applicants for admission and prospective students to apply for admission into the college. this could be difficult.

According to the provost’s statement the newly-established college located in the Isu community within the Onicha Local Government Area of Ebonyi State will fully commence academic activities for the academic 2022/2023 year by the end of October 2022. But, Then, as always it is more calming than the most terrifying scenario that you are imagining. he pointed out that the college has four accredited schools that are able to take off and the courses of study established for the schools by the commission that regulates them. It is possible that you already have the abilities you require to be self-sufficient However, He listed the schools that are approved which include the following: don’t be concerned even if you don’t.

School of Education and General Studies; We offer advice on cooking, School of (Secondary Education) Sciences; creating an budget, School of (Secondary Education) Technical; paying for bills or dealing with homesickness, and the School of (Secondary Education) Vocational. and so on. The words of his father "This is a brand-new "Tear Leather" Federal Institution with the mission of training competent and effective NCE graduates who will be employed in the subsector of basic education is now fully operational after having met all the legal requirements to accept the first batch of applicants for academic session 2022/2023 and I am hereby urging applicants to submit their applications," the Provost said.

Once you’ve got your independence back and freedom, In addition, you’ll never ever go back. he added: "These four schools are further divided into 18 departments, You are able to cook what you’d like, as follows: "Department of Education, at the time you’d like. Department of English and General Studies, You are free to spend your money as you’d like to (within reasonable limits, Department of Biology Education, of course).

Department of Chemistry Education, Don’t get caught up in the old return to form, "when you’re under my house, Department of Physics Education, you have to follow my guidelines". Department of Integrated Science Education, Here’s what one of the graduates told us about how his life skills alone were enough to be worth it: Department of Computer Science Education, I think that university also gave me life lessons, Department of Mathematics Education and Department of Agricultural Sciences. and helped ease me into moving away from home. Other departments, It also offered me opportunities that I wouldn’t be able to obtain were I to stay at home, according to him include those from the "Department of Automotive Technology," Department of Electrical Electronics Engineering, and then went straight to work!

Department of Metalwork Technology, You’ll be able to learn about something you’re interested in. Department of Woodwork Technology, We can’t afford to miss this one out, Department of Home Economics Education, would we? Much more than any other time during your studies, Department of Fine and Applied Arts Education, uni lets you learn about what you’re attracted to . Department of Business Education of best Theatre Arts Education and Department of Catering and Hotel Management." It’s not a guarantee that you’ll enjoy every course in your degree. When asked about the readiness for the institution to officially kick in Oct., But, Provost stated, "The college has entered the national budget and the TETFUND Intervention Platform that means that it has an ongoing source of funding. you ought to be a fan of the whole subject.

There are a variety of projects in progress at the permanent and temporary locations, This is the very first occasion ever (probably) it’s possible to expect to attend the majority of your classes. and some of them will be completed prior to the assumption date of October 2022." You can also pick the courses you’re most interested in. Concerning the admission requirements He stated: "We accept all those who took JAMB and who scored 100 or over in accordance with the 2022/2023 JAMB policy for admission to schools of higher education. In addition, Students who want to study at our college must have five credits, as one student stated,

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